Enrollment is closed


Join Waitlist

You're ready to work with me because you know...

  • You're ready to commit to your Recruiting/Staffing Agency Business but you just need to know all the right steps


  • You haven't signed any paid clients and you're not sure exactly how


  • You need someone who can support you and can ask direct questions to when you get stuck


  • You're ready to transition from your 9-5 job to a six figure recruiting agency






You're at the right place at the right moment.

With coaching directly from me, video lessons, templates and group support, you've found a resource that wants you to succeed

Join Waitlist

"If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together."


Martha Goedert


The Recruiting & Staffing Agency Accelerator 2.0 Coaching Program

Let's do this together.


Learn how to Start a Successful Recruiting/Staffing Agency with my video modules, lessons, templates, worksheets and my entire network is your's.


I'll be there every step of the way as soon as class begins.


Do you need help:

  • getting your first $10k of revenue
  • negotiating your first contract? 
  • creating your cold email campaign?
  • finding your first client?
  • getting your Recruiting/Staffing Agency off the ground?


This is not your typical downloadable self-service digital course. 


Your business isn't a one size fits all or fill in the blank template.


So you shouldn't treat it that way.


Your questions are specific and you need real answers from real people. (that's where I come in!)


Think of me as your Business Coach or Business Partner.


In our LIVE group calls we'll talk through any questions you have as we dive deep together as a team.



Are you ready to work with me and grow your business?


Join Waitlist

Module #1

Intro to Recruiting

How to set up the basics?

  • Introduction to recruiting and staffing agencies
  • Professional business set-up 
  • Business structure in the U.S. (LLC vs. Corporations)
  • Business insurance, website & email setup
  • My organizing hacks to get things done every day
  • State and Federal Law
  • How to Recruit in multiple States and different countries
  • Licensing for your local jurisdiction consultation
  • Business Consultation
  • Getting Started Checklist (don't skip this step)
  • How to start your agency with less than $1,000
  • Roadmap to $10,000 within 90 days
  • Scaling to $100,000 within 12 months Business Plan
  • How to Apply for a SBA Loan
  • How to Apply for a Business Loan
  • How to get Government Grants for your Business
  • How to fund your business with no cash
  • Business Plan Template
  • Goal setting and tracking (my free tools)
  • Accountability- think of me as your business partner

Module #2

Business Basics

What's the best option for you & your business?

  • Direct Hiring
  • Contract Staffing
  • Start-up Costs
  • How to keep costs low
  • How to start with no capital
  • Website and Logo Development
  • How to Build your Brand
  • How to be professional when reaching out to clients
  • Branding your Contracts and Updating Templates
  • Contract Drafted and Review by an Attorney
  • Exclusive and non-exclusive explained
  • Pros and Cons of Direct Hiring and Contract Staffing
  • Retained Search and Contingency Search
  • Contract Staffing Life Cycle
  • What's the best recruiting business to start?

Module #3

High Profit Niche Recruiting Secrets

How to research the most profitable niche?

  • How to identify a profitable niche?
  • Industry Selection Process Testing
  • Leverage my LinkedIn Network
  • Top 20 most profitable niche list (updated every year)
  • Worst Industries to Avoid (Don't waste your time)
  • How to find the industry with the least amount of competition
  • How to narrow between 3-5 industries before selecting your specialty
  • We will work together to find the best industry for your agency
  • Why Niching in recruitment is important?
  • How to select your niche?
  • Finding your Niche Worksheet 
  • How to scale your niche?
  • Expanding your industry and scaling searching/identifying
  • Niche selection consultation with me (Let's talk through this together)

Module #4

Start A Recruiting Agency

How to get your first client and more?

  • Contract legal disclosures explained
  • Securing financial freedom with your business
  • How to run a home based remote recruiting agency
  •  How much commission should you charge
  • How to deal with objections when they say no
  • Negotiation Sales Scripts to follow word for word
  • Which software to use? (updated every month)
  • Top 3 tools you need to get started
  • Everything you need to know about business insurance
  • Lead Generation Automation - Clients and Candidates
  • Identifying Decision Makers
  • How to Find Prospective Clients? (I share all my methods)
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator Tutorial
  • Lead Leaper tutorial & my insider secrets
  • Tool list breakdown (free & paid)
  • Structuring Contracts
  • Contract templates & negotiation tactics
  • Fee break downs (placement fee, net payment, guarantee period, etc.)

Module #5

Start A Staffing Agency Part I

How to cold email as a Recruiting Agency?

  • Back Office Implementation & Automation
  • How to create automated invoicing
  • How to organize your employees for your staffing agency
  • How to price your staffing agency (profit margins)
  • How to negotiate your first deal
  • How to create professional contracts
  • Payroll Options
  • How to keep costs down for your Staffing Agency
  • How much to charge and profit margins
  •  How to Discuss Price and Negotiating
  • Psychology of sales & positioning in emails
  • Email Campaign Tutorial 
  • Email sequencing, follow up, and closing.
  • Target selections (identifying important contacts)
  • Best email platform to use
  • How to communicate with your clients?
  • How to get over 70% responses rates?
  • Warming up your inbox and email tech setup 
  • How to NOT get identified as SPAM
  • Email verifying
  • How to create a sales email?

Module #6

Start A Staffing Agency Part II

How to find high quality candidates for your client? (repeatable process)

  • How to Get Immediate Results with Effective Outreach
  • How to define what your business offers to clients
  • How to build a proprietary network database
  •  How to leverage job boards and tap into larger candidate pools
  • How to be smart and cost effective with job posting ads
  • How to keep workers compensation down
  • Pros and Cons of Staffing - How to find capital to start
  • How to collect money and get you paid consistently
  • Job posting tutorial (where, when, and how)
  • Legal disclosures required in a job posting
  • Example of good and bad job posting walkthrough and breakdown
  • Networking 101
  • How to leverage LinkedIn (sharing recommendations, networks, and resources)
  • Boolean Strings tutorial
  • My personal tips and tricks that worked for me and 90% of my students

Module #7

Business Development
  • Business Organization (tools I use to improve my business)
  • Strategic Planning - Developing long term and short term strategies for your business goals
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Service Positioning by Identifying Unique Selling Points
  • Financial Business Management (managing cash flow effectively)
  • Legal and Compliance with your local state regulations
  • Brand Development- Building and enhancing brand identity
  • How to identify and form strategic partnerships
  • Market Expansion for your Niche

Module #8

Split Partnerships

How Split Partnerships can boost your Recruiting/Staffing Agency immediately

  • Increase your access to talent enabling a wider pool of candidates
  • Extend the reach of your agency's geographic reach by leveraging networks of partners
  • Cost Savings- Reduces recruitment costs as resources and expenses are shared among collaborating partners
  • Risk Mitigation
  • Enhancing Candidate Quality Methods
  • How to Improve Client Satisfaction by offering broader range of candidates
  • Revenue Growth - Tap into markets by simply working with more establish recruiting agency's in my network
Join Waitlist

Module #9

Candidate Sourcing Mastery

  • Conducting Market Research for your Niche
  • Effective Job Posting Strategies
  • My Go To Online Job Platforms
  • How to leverage social media for your recruitment techniques
  • Techniques for building and managing talent pools for ongoing recruitment needs
  • Share my entire network with you and leverage my Linkedin Connections
  • Boolean Search Techniques (My Secrets)
  • Diversity and Inclusion Strategies
  • How to Develop a Personal Brand for your Recruiting/Staffing Agency
  • My proven email and outreach campaign methods
  • How to use AI to improve your candidate sourcing at scale
  • Market Mapping Techniques for LinkedIn

Module #10

Interviewing Fundamentals
  • Phone Screen
  • Qualification Process
  • Understanding an Interview Process
  • CRM recommendations
  • Automated Assessments / Tests
  • How to present candidates to clients?
  • Resume deep-dive

Module #11

The Future is AI (Artificial Intelligence)
  • Automated Candidate Matching Technique
  • Resume Parsing Methods to extract relevant information from resume
  • Using Chatbots for Initial Candidate Interaction
  • Automated Schedule secrets
  • AI- Enhanced Job Descriptions
  • Automated Reference and Background Checks
  • Social Mediate analytics to gain insights on candidates professional reputation and online presence
  • Automated outreach campaigns
  • Automated candidate sourcing
  • Chat-based Interview Simulation Techniques
Join Waitlist

Module #12

Scaling to Multiple 6-Figures

  • How to scale your business to 6 figures quickly?

    • How do you get paid?
    • Your first paid client
    • How to get repeat clients
    • Virtual Assistants
    • Hiring contractors first
    • Scaling to $10,000 per month in the next 90 days
    • Delegate tasks and become the CEO of your business
    • Transition out of doing everything yourself
    • Developing the process and automating
    • Building your virtual team
    • Difference between 6-figures and 7-figures
    • Become the "go to" recruiting agency in your niche and location

Bonus Module

Starting A Resume Business - $5,000+/month revenue stream

  • How to start a profitable resume business in a week
  • Professional Resume Writing Techniques
  • Customized Cover Letter personalization
  • Linkedin Profile Optimization
  • Executive Resume Niche
  • How to charge $500+ per resume creation
  • How to use ATS friendly formatting
  • Identifying industry specific expertise to improve candidates showcasing of skills
  • Keyword Optimization Secrets
  • Interview Preparation Upsell for your business
  • Revision and Editing Services
  • How to deliver quick turnaround times for your resume clients
  • How to package your services
  • How to offer online presence packages by bundling techniques for Linkedin and Resume
  • Instilling confidence in your clients by offering a money back guarantee 

A-Z Contract Template Library

Contracts & Templates Included


  • Starting Your Recruiting/Staffing Agency Business Checklist
  • Client Intake Process
  • Customer Relationship (CRM) System
  • Contact Staffing Fee Agreement
  • Gatekeeper Scripts
  • Negotiating and Rebuttals Techniques 
  • Email Campaign Scripts
  • 7 & 8 Sequence Cold Email Templates
  • Split Partnership Agreement Contract
  • 8 Step Blue Print to Success
  • Resume Service and Client Contract Template
  • More contracts included- get your contracts drafted and reviewed by Natasha's in-house attorney
Join Waitlist

Also Included with Enrollment

  • Lifetime Access to new updates
  • Contract Templates
  • Niche selection worksheets
  • Email scripts
  • 6 Principles of Sales Psychology
  • My network is YOUR network
  • Email and text support directly from me
  • Live Weekly Group Calls with me as your business coach
  • Roadmap to your first $10k in placements

What's Included with your Enrollment?




Course Curriculum


Ultimate 6-Figure Recruiting Secrets Program: A best-practices Recruiting & Staffing Agency Program based on the fastest path to revenue, laid out in step-by-step implementation modules. Shows you the secrets we use to hire top talent for roles with 6 & 7-figure salaries, with outsized commission, up to 15%-20% per placement. (Valued at $14,995 if sold independently)


Passive-Income Staffing Business Framework Program:: Learn S-Tier strategies for running a passive-income staffing operation. Module teaches you to find clients and candidates that prefer to work through you while you earn perpetual hourly income from your staff. And how everyone wins this way. (Valued at $9,995)


12-Month Ultimate Success Coaching: Smart people learn from their mistakes. Millionaires learn from the mistakes of others. Receive ongoing guidance for an entire year from expert Staffing & Recruiting executives who have earned minimum 6-figures or more. (Valued at $23,995)


Weekly Bulletproof Accountability Calls: There are a million reasons not to do it. You need a success and accountability coach that understands the psychology of failure to help you break the cycle. And WIN. Stay on track with regular check-ins that ensure you're making consistent progress toward your goals.  (PRICELESS)


CEO Group Coaching Sessions: Join weekly group calls with other agency entrepreneurs for collaborative learning and peer support directly with Natasha. Learn each week what you would learn in months on your own. (Valued at $6,995 for 12 months)


Live 1-on-1 Coaching with a Millionaire Mentor: Engage in live coaching sessions for real-time learning and immediate feedback. (Valued at $995 per session)


Legal Support for 12 months: Save a $10,000 legal retainer from a major business litigation firm. Receive ultimate LLC and licensing guidance as well as advising on other key startup activities. Includes support from live lawyer's for custom contracts, revisions or questions. Get contracts drafted and review by a professional attorney that work with Natasha (Valued at $10,000)


One-Step Business Branding Kit: Done-For-You Website and Logo development to look, feel, and operate like a multi-million dollar recruiting firm. Get your website and logo developed for your business (included with enrollment).(Valued at $2,995)


High Profit Niche Recruiting Secrets: Learn insider recruiting techniques to find niches that pay top dollar before others find them.Includes a specialized worksheet to hone in on highly lucrative market segments.(Valued at $2,995)


A-Z Contract Template Library: Don’t spend tens of thousands in legal fees. Access a variety of contract templates that give you favorable terms, and cover every recruiting business activity from starting to scaling. (Valued at $995)


6-Figure Negotiation Theory: Learn negotiation tactics for securing clients and candidates that put you in the top 10% of earners. (Valued at $995)


Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Nav Mastery: Most people don’t know how to turn LinkedIn into a lucrative profit system. We teach you how to set up and use Sales Navigator like a Fortune 500 recruiter. (Valued at $1,995)


Highest Converting Sales Scripts [Tested]: Get your hands on the exact sales and discussion scripts we’ve used to attract high level candidates and clients alike. (Valued at $995)


Traffic Automation (without Paid Ads): Learn how to launch our top performing email campaigns that can replace $2000 per month in ad revenue on LinkedIn. Break down of our secret 7-sequence and 8-sequence email for securing high paying clients. Learn about the best email automation platforms to use for optimum engagement and deliverability. (Valued at $1,495)


Candidate Sourcing Mastery: Master the art of finding qualified candidates, with the best converting job posts and legal guidelines. (Valued at $495)


Winning Interview Blueprint: Gain a comprehensive and curated list of interview questions that gets you the best candidates out of any applicant pool. (Valued at $195)


Ultimate 6 Figure Roadmap: To do it, replicate the system that someone else has used to do it. Receive a winning, actionable, and exact plan for scaling your business to six-figures and beyond.  Find out how to level AI for your business. (PRICELESS)


Live Launch and Conversion Sessions: Get held by the hand and walked through your first closed deal with Natasha. The first sale is the hardest if you’re on your own.(PRICELESS)


Turnkey Virtual Assistants 12 months support: We provide complete support including website setup, logo design, and client acquisition assistance. No need to hire and train. You work with Natasha’s Virtual Assistant’s that will do the parts of the business so you have more time as the owner.(Valued at $1,495/mo)



90-Day Success Blueprint: Our step-by-step guide aims to get you to $10k per month within 90 days. (Valued at $4,995)



Business Automation Mastery: Work smart, not hard. Learn how to automate every process for efficiency and scalability so that you can work on the business, and not become an accidental employee to your own agency. (Valued at $2,995)


Principles of Fail Psychology: Understand the psychology behind failure to turn setbacks into comebacks. (Valued at $395)


Direct DM Access to Natasha and Team: Get answers to your questions within 24 hours directly from Natasha and myself included. .(PRICELESS


LinkedIn Networking Advantage: Benefit from Natasha's network on LinkedIn, including reviews or referrals to kickstart your business. Get access to Natasha’s network - you’ll be part of her inner circle.(PRICELESS)


Bonus Course on Resume Business: Learn how to start a resume side hustle as a complementary business, complete with strategies for selling resumes at $500 each. Start making $5,000 per month immediately. (Valued at $995)


Join Waitlist




Put the techniques you learn into practice during our weekly live group coaching sessions. This is a safe place where everyone is working on their own business and looking to learn from each other.

Group calls will be an opportunity for me to answer your specific questions. You'll find this to be the most beneficial part of the program because we get to work together intimately similar to a 1 on 1 setting.

Most of my students find it powerful to learn that others are having similar struggles and hear the creative ways they find success.

We can’t wait to connect and grow with you!

Join Waitlist



Northern Illinois University- Bachelor of Science, Leadership & Management


Indiana Wesleyan University- Master’s of Science, Human Resources Management


You might already know me through my Youtube channel. But if you already enjoy my free content, I think you'll love what I created for the Recruiting Accelerator Program and the opportunity to work with me.

I truly care about your success which is why I want to work with you directly. 

Like most of you, I've been on a similar path. You want to find financial freedom for you and your family. I was able to do that myself with recruiting.

I love recruiting. I love building professional relationships. I love creating a business that grows with me. 

After graduating from college with my Bachelors in 2013, I began my journey in the corporate world as a retail management professional. I quickly learned many facets associated with the human resources space, particularly recruiting, and fell in love! That love has led me to having an extensive background in recruiting, from corporate to running my own recruiting agency.

I have grown to enjoy every aspect of recruiting, from sourcing to extending life-changing offers. My love for recruiting has led me down a path that has allowed me to learn, grow, but most importantly, help others to learn and grow, as well.

With over 10 years of experience, I have found that my true passion is in teaching others how to reach their Recruiting Agency Business goals.

When you choose to work with me, I will provide you with all the tools and resources you need in order to be successful! 

"I loved having the opportunity to have all my questions answered individually. It was so helpful for starting my business."

Felicita B.

"I felt like all the video modules and tip sheets helped the most. But working with Natasha in the group setting is the reason why I got my first contract."

Raina O.



You're ready to work with me if:

  • You know with the right training and coaching you'll achieve your business goals
  • You've tried doing it on your own but haven't been able to put it all together just yet
  • You're ready to try something different because what you've currently been doing isn't working


This coaching program is NOT for you if:

  • You're not willing to commit to the next 12 weeks working with me
  • You think starting a Recruiting Agency is an overnight success story
  • You're comfortable where you're at in life and are not looking for a challenge


Join Waitlist

Join Waitlist & Schedule a Call

I work with a limited number of students during each enrollment period. I truly focus all my time and energy on my current students. Since class size is limited, enrollment only happens a few times a year.

Join Waitlist & Schedule a Call Here

Enter your name and email to join the waitlist - you'll then be directed to my calendar to book a call with someone on my team

Enrollment is currently closed


1 hour Consultation Call


LIVE sessions via Google Meet

  • Schedule a one on one call with Natasha
  • Direct support 
  • Need specific questions answered?
  • Business Set-up, LLC, etc.
  • Niche/Industry Selection
  • Recruiting Agency Questions and Answers
  • How To Get Started
  • Customized for your questions
Book A Session

Accelerator Course


Course Only

  • How To Start A 6-Figure Recruiting Agency in 60 Days
  • Step-by-Step Videos and Modules
  • Templates Includes: Cold Email, Contracts, Invoice
  • Includes: CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) & ATS (Applicant Tracking System)
  • Full Direct Message and Email Support 
  • Life Time Access
  • Monthly Payment Options Available


Start Now-$2497

Accelerator Course + Group Coaching Calls

Enrollment Closed

Join Wait List

  • Live group calls every other week
  • Life Time Access to Course Modules and Future Updates
  • Private Student Only FB Group
  • 12 Months of Direct Message and Email Support from Natasha
  • How To Start A 6-Figure Recruiting Agency in 60 Days
  • Unlimited Direct Messages with Natasha
  • Includes all features in Accelerator Course + Live Group Coaching
  • Templates Includes: Cold Email, Contracts, Invoice
  • Includes: CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) & ATS (Applicant Tracking System)
  • Monthly Payment Options Available
Schedule a call

Join Waitlist & Schedule a Call

I work with a limited number of students during each enrollment period. I truly focus all my time and energy on my current students. Since class size is limited, enrollment only happens a few times a year.

Join Waitlist & Schedule a Call Here

Enter your name and email to join the waitlist - you'll then be directed to my calendar to book a call with someone on my team


I offer a "show your work" money back guarantee. You must prove that you attempted each lesson, worksheet, and engaged in the weekly group calls. Refund requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Trent T.

"I truly enjoyed your class and your level of detail in responses."

Joshilyn V.

"Wow, Thank you Natasha I'm mind blown, very informative, this is everything I needed and more.

Hillary B.

"The level of support I've received in this class was more than expected. I'm beyond excited to have everything I need to run my own Recruiting Agency."

1 hour Consultation Call


LIVE sessions via Google Meet

  • Schedule a one on one call with Natasha
  • Direct support 
  • Need specific questions answered?
  • Business Set-up, LLC, etc.
  • Niche/Industry Selection
  • Recruiting Agency Questions and Answers
  • How To Get Started
  • Customized for your questions
Book A Session

Accelerator Course


Course Only

  • How To Start A 6-Figure Recruiting Agency in 60 Days
  • Step-by-Step Videos and Modules
  • Templates Includes: Cold Email, Contracts, Invoice
  • Includes: CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) & ATS (Applicant Tracking System)
  • 12 Months of Email and Direct Message Support from Natasha
  • Life Time Access + Future Updates
  • Monthly Payment Options Available Below:


Start Now- $2497

Accelerator Course + Group Coaching Calls

Enrollment Closed

Top features

  • Live group calls every other week
  • Life Time Access to Course Modules and Future Updates
  • Private Student Only FB Group
  • 12 Months of Direct Message and Email Support from Natasha
  • How To Start A 6-Figure Recruiting Agency in 90 Days
  • Includes all features in Accelerator Course + Live Group Coaching
  • Templates Includes: Cold Email, Contracts, Invoice
  • Includes: CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) & ATS (Applicant Tracking System)
  • Monthly Payment Options Available
Book a call

Trent T.

"I truly enjoyed your class and your level of detail in responses."

Joshilyn V.

"Wow, Thank you Natasha I'm mind blown, very informative, this is everything I needed and more.

Hillary B.

"The level of support I've received in this class was more than expected. I'm beyond excited to have everything I need to run my own Recruiting Agency."

Schedule a call with me

I work with a limited number of students during each enrollment period. I truly focus all my time and energy on my current students. Since class size is limited, enrollment only happens a few times a year.

Please schedule a call with me to learn more about the program and if you'd like to enroll for the upcoming class when enrollment opens.

Schedule A Call Here 

Enter your name and email, you'll then be directed to my calendar to book a call.